Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I know you are talking about me...

There have been many times when I have come into a room and by the way the people act I know that they have been talking about me, and usually by the way they act it is not in a good way. Why does this happen? What is it that makes you think it is okay to do that? What really gets me is when I am in the room, but the room is big enough that I can not hear, and there is someone talking about me. How do I know this you might ask? I can read lips. Yes, I know what you are saying, and it is not nice.
What is it. Why do you do that. What really gets me is then a little later they end up by me and act like they did not say/hear what was just said. Don't do that. It is so two faced.
No I am not the best, but I have been working on not doing that to others. I have tried really hard when I hear something mean/bad about someone that I don't know if it is true, or I know for sure it is false to say something-and I try to make sure that I don't say anything. I might not agree with the way you raise your kids, how you dress, and more, but I am doing my best to not be mean. It is hard, yes, but it is something we should realize. IF you don't want the person you are talking about to hear what you are saying, maybe you should not be saying it.

Did I ask you for advise?

I hate it when people give advise when it has not been asked for. Lately it seems to be happening a lot. I don't even talk to these people about the problems, but boy are they quite to see something and think that they need to give advise. What else gets me is that half the time the advise is about kids and they don't even have kids. It is so easy to say this is what should happen, or you should do this, when you are not in the situation. Also, every kids is so different. What works for you and your kids might not work for me and mine.
If you read this, please take what I have said into consideration and please don't give advise if it has not been asked for.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just alike...

The other day I was told I look just like my sister. Now don't get me wrong, I love my sister, I just don't want to look JUST like her. I am my own self. I think what got me about it was that it came from my dad. I don't think we look the same. We have similarities, but are not identical. If you were to see us, yes you would be able to tell we are related. That is fine. I just hate it when people say you look just like someone-unless you are a twin then okay I understand. Trust me we are not twins. I do enjoy looking similar but would never want to look JUST like her-or any of my other sisters. For that matter, I would not want to look JUST like anyone, cause then I would not be me.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lost & Found

So we are at my parents and I don't hear my son. We look in all the closets, the drier, the pantry, the toyroom, in the beds. I start to think WHAT THE &%*&#? Where could he have gone? I am yelling, and so is my dad and my husband. But my mom-well she just sits there and reads her book. So now I am thinking WHAT THE %&#*&!!! ARE YOU JUST GOING TO SIT THERE?? We were able to find him, he was hidden under a table behind some stuff. Let me tell you that was the scariest 15 minutes of my life.
So should I have said something to my mom? It was like she did not care. She did not seemed concerned. Almost like she knew where he was. But did she? NO. I am really mad, but just need to let it go. I just can't believe the way she acted.

On a good note. He was found safe and sound. He did know he was in trouble. Not sure if I ever want that to happen again. But I'm sure it will. KIDS what to do with them.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The annoyance of everyone sitting around and watching TV instead of interacting. What do they think. I can do that at home, why would I want to go to the family party and do that. We tried to get them to play games, but to no avail. So finally after getting them to unwrap presents, and have dinner. We tried again, they decided again to just watch movies/TV so we decided to head home since the kids had not had a nap and were getting to be a little cranky.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The beginning....

This is where I will come to vent my frustrations with whatever. I am not sure how to vent, and I have learned that if I don't vent, I blow up. SO I am going to try to write it here-and you won't know who I am. If you have an issue you want to vent, or have some similar problems and have figured out how to deal with them, please leave a comment and let me know.

I have been having some problems lately. I feel like I have been being judged lately. I also get sick of being asked to help, but then as I am helping, I just get crap for it. I get so sick of it. How do you tell someone to stop asking you for help when they don't end up taking the help.

I have been really frustrated too, I was told that I take to much on myself. But yet when I try to pick the stuff I feel I can do, I am asked by that person to help with stuff. If I say I am not available I get crap for it. I am so sick of it. ARGGGGGGGG!!!

Hopefully I can figure out how to deal with this and tell them to shod off with out being mean about it.