Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I know you are talking about me...

There have been many times when I have come into a room and by the way the people act I know that they have been talking about me, and usually by the way they act it is not in a good way. Why does this happen? What is it that makes you think it is okay to do that? What really gets me is when I am in the room, but the room is big enough that I can not hear, and there is someone talking about me. How do I know this you might ask? I can read lips. Yes, I know what you are saying, and it is not nice.
What is it. Why do you do that. What really gets me is then a little later they end up by me and act like they did not say/hear what was just said. Don't do that. It is so two faced.
No I am not the best, but I have been working on not doing that to others. I have tried really hard when I hear something mean/bad about someone that I don't know if it is true, or I know for sure it is false to say something-and I try to make sure that I don't say anything. I might not agree with the way you raise your kids, how you dress, and more, but I am doing my best to not be mean. It is hard, yes, but it is something we should realize. IF you don't want the person you are talking about to hear what you are saying, maybe you should not be saying it.

Did I ask you for advise?

I hate it when people give advise when it has not been asked for. Lately it seems to be happening a lot. I don't even talk to these people about the problems, but boy are they quite to see something and think that they need to give advise. What else gets me is that half the time the advise is about kids and they don't even have kids. It is so easy to say this is what should happen, or you should do this, when you are not in the situation. Also, every kids is so different. What works for you and your kids might not work for me and mine.
If you read this, please take what I have said into consideration and please don't give advise if it has not been asked for.